Wednesday, October 31, 2012

student success statement

"Take care of yourself and everything else will fall into place."
coach david diamount
My understanding of this statement is that if you stop stressing out and keep worrying about things that get in the way of your everyday life then eventuallty something good might turn up. Also this means that if your life is not going well then their is no need to worry because if you take care of your self first then in the end everything will turn out good.

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful

By Barbra a. Lewis

1. Make a commitment to tell the truth

2. Tell someone about your commitment

3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation or reason.

4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.

5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.

6. Don’t indulge in little white lies or cover ups.

7. Watch out for silent lies.

8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth in reverse.

9. Talk to yourself(Ask yourself, how do I really feel about this? What is the best thing to do? How can I keep my commitment to myself?

10.Treat yourself when you tell the truth even when its hard to do.

Choose the right!!!drop box link

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

acquiring the habits of highly successful students

If you feel you do not naturally have all those characteristics, then do not despair. Each of them can be accomplished by your own application. you can use meditation and visualization techniques to initiate your vision, and they can certainly be learned both for that purpose and for each step you take to reach your goals. simply visualize your desired goals, that of being a star student, a champion of doing what is right, and see yourself working hard to become outstanding, and you’re your dreams and visions will materialize as you pursue these objectives. Setting goals and objectives can be personal or business technique that can be learnt. You can develop inner strength to succeed if apply yourself to doing just that; that will enable you to recover from setbacks more easily.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Acquiring the habits of highly successful students

What is important to you is that you, as you start to reach milestones in your ambitions, you appreciate your own achievements. It is a boost, of course, if others appreciate what you have done too, but appreciating yourself will strengthen your self- belief, and reinforce your determination to succeed. Some of the key characteristics you will find in those who are successful are perseverance, prepared to research, plan and work hard, practice a lot even when things do not seem to be going well, and an ability to recover and learn from setbacks. At the outset of whatever it is you are trying to succeed in, a strong vision of your future, planning, and setting yourself achievable targets can all play an important role.

Choose the right!!!!student success statement

Friday, October 26, 2012

“Be wise- never use drugs or alcohol”

What this means is that to never use drugs or alcohol and if you have touched these things you are foolish and stupid; why because all you are doing is just messing your life up and choosing the wrong path. Also you are just acting like a fool because you think just cause you are abusing these drugs and alcohol that you think you are cool well you are just fooling your selves. Also this just messes up your education and better things that may happen to you if you keep doing what you are doing. Next is that if you keep going down this course you’ll just keep going in and out of prison or even the worst cause of all death. Also if you keep using drugs and alcohol what will end up happening is that you’ll start destroying all your internal organs slowly day by day. Also what might end up happening is that every one around you is going to




start looking at you as someone that should not even hang around with and no ones going to support you because if they do give you some type of help all you’ll probably end up doing is go back to the streets and start all over again. Also if you are planning to drink and use drugs please say no because if you start now you are setting a bad example to those that don’t even know what these thing s can do to you. Also if you start now you are just messing your self up because people that you hang around with are never going to want to be known as the person who hangs around with crack heads. And last but not least don’t start doing drugs.

Always choose the right

Acquiring the habits of highly successful students

Whether studying or in general life, planning is an imperative skill. Here, we must strictly set he hours for studying, and should promote regularity in doing so. Don’t put off your studies to the last moment( just before the test), because in that moment you will be feeling stress and pressure, and both factors will prove disturbing for your learning; that’s the high price of procrastination. During the exam, its important to forget about panic and stress. and if you are planning for your thesis, you may find this post useful. Other planning tip I frequently give is that, when you are assigned a homework, try to solve it as quickly as possible, several days before the required date, but don’t try to complete it perfectly and don’t submit it immediately. I always recommend doing homework early, but deliver it at the last possible day.

Choose the right!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Acquiring  the Habits of highly successful students

·      They prefer tasks with some degree of difficulty and novelty, which stimulate their learning skills.

·      They don’t apply the simple criteria of success fail  to their learning. Remember, they are focused into the learning. Remember, they are focused into learning process.

·      They know how to handle groups.

·      Finally, they work with passion.

Other chief habit is that of asking questions. we have to  establish hypothesis and set concrete, realistic goals. after reading any text we have to ask several different questions related to its content, in order to verify if we have completely understood the text. Its also important to try to relate such text and other areas of our knowledge. Again , linking ideas and concepts is a habit of highly successful students. So, link.

Choose the right!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Acquiring the Habits of Highly successful students

·      They concentrate on the process of solving the task and understanding the involved ideas. Of course we are interested in getting good results, but the process is more important. A result is a very brief moment of life, while learning to develop processes is a skill that will last for the whole life

·      They interpret and analyze errors as a way of increasing their learning, i.e., they try to learn from their mistakes. This way, they see errors and failures as opportunities.

·      They look for the required information in several channels(books, journals, newspapers, experts, internet, and so on.)

They consult experts and teachers frequently. This action provides a new perspective about the studied topics.
Choose the right!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Acquiring the Habits of highly successful students

·     Everyone wants to be successful in life, but where are the keys to success? Do we have to go out and search for those  keys, or do we have those potentials already within ourselves? When we begin to examine life, we can see that it is divided into two aspects—life within and life without; internal life and external life—and we can see that these aspects are of equal importance.  Even if we have renounced the world, gone far away from civilization, live in wilderness doing nothing but meditation, we cannot ignore external life. We still have to see that we eat, do our ablutions, and perform our practice on time. So life in the external world is as important as life in the internal world.

Choose the right!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Acquiring the Habits of successful students

                  If you prefer to play videogames, then remember that making any game requires to prepare a detailed script including history, characters, goals and relations. Therefore, you could start writing down the script for your “dream” game. On the other side, you could imagine how the novel you are reading could be transformed into a videogame(start out by thinking which gaming genre fits the novel better: role-playing, adventure, action, and so on.) the basic idea is to find match points and links between our affections and our chores. And such links there always exist. Remember , to  link  ideas and concepts is the most important habit for successful students.

Successful students also exhibit other particular traits we should internalize:

·     They are always trying to discover better approaches in order to accomplish their tasks (adequate studying place, availability of resources, etc.) You may find my post on pristine home with feng shui useful for improving your studying environment.

Choose the right!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Importance of Taking Personal Responsibility”

The importance of taking personal responsibility is to do things your way and to not follow what others do; what I mean by that is don’t be a follower be a leader stay away from people who do drugs and don’t like to go to school and always getting into trouble with those so called officers of the law.

·      Taking responsibility

·      Being mature

·      Always making the right choices

·      Following all the rules/ instructions

·      Setting the good example

·      Never choose the wrong

Also the importance of taking personal responsibility is to show people that there is good kids who want to learn and are getting there business done first instead of fooling around in all their classes. Also this shows the bad students how to be good instead of them always doing bad things; next this shows parents that there is hope for their child . also this shows people that the kids that are always messing up and acting like a fool in their classes can change with just a little bit of patience’s and help these kids will all start taking responsibility for there own actions. Last but not least this shows kids and delinquent’s to always choose the right and to stop getting into trouble.

Choosing the right
Choosing the wrong
Being mature
Acting foolish
Always ready to learn
Never pays attention
Never disrupts class
Always disrupts class

Paper pads
2 colors
1 pair

Acquiring the Habits of highly successful students

2-success is about achieving goals, and therefore is a relative notion. Highly successful students are those which set realistic goals, and attain them with the proper investment of resources. Thus, not necessarily the student with the best grades is the most successful learner. Now, we have stated what the successful student is like good.

2- If you have negative entries in your list of driving forces, its time to improve things quite a bit. First, identity other topics that you indeed like a lot, not necessarily related to studying. Perhaps you like pets, to cook or to play videogames. Now, try to establish associations or links between these favorite activities of yours and the subject of study that you dislike. For example, lets assume that you dislike literature(you perhaps think its an utterly boredom) but love your humongous pit-bull “casino Joe” then you could start thinking how your dog would as a character into that novel you have to analyze: what its role would be and how he would interact with other characters in the novel.

Choose the right !!!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Student Success Statement

“A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself.”

Noemi Trigueros

(HPHS students 2010-11)

This refection is true  and good because you are not your self if you are not acting the way a regular human should be acting.


Acquiring  the habits of highly successful students

The body is related to the breath, and the breath is related to the mind. The body, breath, senses, and mind all function together as a unit. So life virtually means relationship, and thus the art of living and being requires an understanding of ones relationship to the external world and the relationship within oneself.

All human beings have inner potentials, but many people are not aware of those potentials and do not know how to use them to have a successful life. Those who are not happy internally can never be happy externally; those who are not happy within themselves can never make others happy. Those who do not love themselves can never love others.

Choose the Right!!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Harmful Effects of Smoking”

Well one thing that I know smoking can cause is lung cancer; but what people don’t  know is that there kids might  be diagnosed with this because there parents don’t get or even have the time to talk to there own kids and tell them what is going on in there daily life.

·    Can get gum disease (gingivitis)

·    Can get lung cancer

·    Can get infections

·    Can get high can kill some one

·    Can get heart strokes

·    Can kill you !!!!

·    Teeth  start to fall off

·    Dirty black lungs

·    Throat cancer

Also smoking can cause for people to look at wrong ;and also people wont want to hang out with you any more. Also the harmful effects of smoking is that you wont be able to run as fast as you used to and your lungs will give out on you at any moment. Last smoking is very bad and people think it is cool to smoke.

harmful effects of smoking tobacco-

Acquiring the habits of highly successful students

Everyone wants to be successful in life, but where are the keys to success? Do we have to go out and search for those keys, or do we have those potentials already within ourselves? When we begin to examine life, we can see that it is divided into two aspects – life within and life without; internal life and external life – and we can see that these aspects are of equal importance. Even if we have renounced the world, gone far away from civilization, and live in wilderness doing nothing but meditation, we cannot ignore external life. We still have to see that we eat, do our ablutions, and perform our practices on time. So life in the external world is as important as life in the internal world. Even one who has renounced the world has to understand the word relationship properly, because life itself is actually a relationship.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


If we are to succeed in life, we must hone our learning skills.

1.  sin The first step  in this direction is to sincerely point out the driving force or motivation. Lets relax, and start listing the reasons that impel you to study some topic, as crude as they may be. Its possible that your list is empty. Don’t worry, it only means that you have not identified any reason to study the chosen and very specific point (its for sure that you are an excellent learner in other areas of life.) if you don’t have any motivation to study, then give me the list of reasons why you don’t want to study, please note that this list cannot be empty. whether you found a huge list of driving forces or a list of reasons for not studying, the end product of this step comprises at least one item(a positive or negative driving force)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Student success statement

“regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly be possessed of”

To be proud of your name and never let anyone that you dont matter

Thursday, October 11, 2012

How successful students prepare for test

Part 1

Are you really doing everything you can to prepare for test? Re-reading the chapter and looking all over your notes is not enough. Below is a list of tips for test preparation from successful students.

1.      Keep up to date with assignments.

2.      Take notes in every class every day. This includes asking questions when you don’t understand.

3.      Process information as you come to it. Learning information is much different than “becoming acquainted” with it.

4.      Process information systematically. Label in the margin works well for most people.

5.      Adapt it to suit your learning styles. Capitalize on discipline label in the margin requires and make it habit to process information from texts and lectures, not just go over it.

6.      Have a study place that is free of distractions.

7.      Have a specific  time for your initial study of each subject. You may need a more than this time, but having a set time will save you time.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

student success statement
"obedience leads to true freedom"
James E. Faust
following the rules will get you far in life

Successful students

Part 2

Successful students take charge of their lives and balance their time between fun and work. They know that there is a time for all-nighters, and its not during finals week

                Successful students take care of themselves do you live on junk food and lay on the couch watching tv every night? Students with poor physical habits probably don’t feel very energetic in the morning, and they probably don’t feel good sitting in class, either.

                Good food and little exercise will clear your head. Students who eat junk food in moderation( you really don’t have to cut it out completely) and work out in some way are more likely to participate in sports. That means they have more balance in their lives, feel better in the mornings and are more alert in class.

You just have to change a few habits to feel better. Eat healthy foods, start walking more, take a yoga class, enroll in material art classes, or challenge yourselves to do sit-ups at night. you’ll notice a change right away.

Thank you, grace fleming, for your suggestions



Monday, October 8, 2012

The “C” Student

Part 3

6. effort: “C” students are capable of sufficient effort, but either fail to realistically evaluate the effort needed to accomplish a task successfully, or lack the desire to meet the challenge. They put forth very little effort. They don’t realize that they will be rewarded according the amount of effort they put into a project. Little effort=bad results.

7. communications: “C” students communicate in ways that often limit comprehension or risk misinterpretation. Ideas are not well formulated before they are express. Poor listening/reading habits inhibit matching inquiry and response.

8.results: “C” student obtain mediocre or inconsistent results on test. They have some concept of what is going on but clearly have not mastered the material.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

this captin is an idiot for doing something stupid. also this captin must of been doing somethinsg so that he could of steered the ship to close to the shore.

The “C” student

Average student

Part 2

Curiosity: “C” students seldom explore topics deeper than their face value. They lack vision and bypass interconnectedness of concepts. Immediate relevancy is often their singular test for involvement

3. retention: “C” students retain less information and for shorter periods. Less effort seems to go toward organizing and associating learned information with previously acquired knowledge. They display short-term retention by relying on cramming sessions that focus on details not concepts.

4. attitude: “C” students are not visibly committed to class. They participate without enthusiasm. Their body language often expresses boredom.

5. talent: “C” students vary enormously in talent. Some have exceptional ability but show undeniable signs of poor self-management or bad attitudes. Others are diligent but simply average in academic ability.